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Fast and high-quality metal production with tradition


Mechanical non-electric part completing

We complete your products to assemblies, pack up for shipment or sale and provide with print.

Our way of completing

We will complete all metallic sheet and machined parts to sub-sets and final assemblies.

We will pack up the assemblies for shipment or follow up sale.

We will design and execute series packing.

Our equipment

We have heated assembly premises, all necessary electric or batter powered tools.

Stickers and labels

We fix labels/print on individual parts or packages using serigraphy or any other marking system (bar code for instance).

Weight limitation

We can do almost all. The size of completed assemblies is limited just by their weight – maximum weight of individual assembly parts is 30 kg

Quality guarantee

  • You always approve the sample.
  • You approve proposed assembly procedure and packaging regulation.
  • We use momentum tools.

Completion deadlines

The completion time depends on of assembly complexity.

We complete based on mutual agreement, however, mostly in 3 weeks.

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